MOOC: Doing Business Research
Jan 31, 2022
A new free MOOC for Ph.D. students
Dr. Eva Gallardo-Gallardo and Dr. Vicenc Fernandez (members and founders of the TechTalent-Lab) have just published a free MOOC for Ph.D. students (entitled Doing Business Research) at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya·BarcelonaTech and the Laboratory for the development of the tech talent (TechTalent-Lab).

This MOOC course has been designed to help students embarking on their Ph.D. process. It is meant to help them not to feel lost and confused with the academic culture. This course wants to help Ph.D. students to identify the key points in the journey and offer them some tips and advice for each of them. The course has four modules that can fall into two main categories. One is the ‘big picture' knowledge about how the academic system works and, the other category involves ‘research skills’. In total, the course has 32 videos and 145 minutes.
You can find the MOOC course at